Friday, October 9, 2009

Places to where to go in San Luis's Downtown

-> Central Building of the UASLP (University)

Located to a side of the Templo de la Compañia, just opposite to the Plaza de Fundadores, the Central Building of the University occupies, nowadays, the building that for his college the Jesuits constructed in the year 1624.

After the expulsion of these of the New Spain in 1767, it was a primary school until 1826 when there was founded the College Guadalupano Josefino, the first institution of higher education. Nowadays, it's Fortune Sedates her of the Head offices of San Luís's Autonomous University.

It is necessary to highlight that between 1871 and 1872, in the epoch that worked as Scientific and Literary Institute, his(her,your) front was totally renewed, and it passed of being baroque to neoclassic.

->San Luis' cathedral

San Luís's Metropolitan Cathedral is considered to be the most important monument of the state. It was one of the first baroque constructions of the city, getting up where the original parochial church was raised in 1593.

His construction initiated in 1670 and concluded in 1730, though later, at the end of the 19th century, diverse changes were applied to him, especially in the interior decoration that passed of being baroque to neoclassic.

Among his attributes they distinguish his front of baroque style salomónico adorned by statue of the apostles esculpidas in marmól from Carrara, as well as his two big towers: the right constructed in lime and singing in 1730 and the left side in gray quarry, in the year of the centenary of the Independence of Mexico.


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