Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Father's Monument

The Monument to the Father is a set of three sculptures of bronze located in the Plaza of Carmen a few steps from the Theatre of the Peace and of the Temple of Carmen. Created by the artists Mario and Joel Cuevas, this work was inaugurated On June 15, 2008. In his plate it is possible to read: " Only a father is a holder of the necessary art to inspire in his children the respect, the love and the friendship at the same time ".

Monday, October 12, 2009

Teatro de la Paz

It is one of four principal theatres of Mexico. It was constructed during the porfiriato and inaugurated on December 4, 1894. In this theatre they have given themselves important political and cultural events. The building was constructed by the architect Jose Noriega by French influences and of neoclassic style, by his front in pink quarry. The interior of this theatre has been remodelled two times, preserving his original style, where also they can find different sculptures as that of the ballerina Célica Arias realized by Joaquín Arias, as well as Fernando Leal's murals along the perrons. It has a capacity brought near for 1450 spectators.

San Luis Potosi - The Principals Squares

Aranzazú Square

The area that occupies nowadays this small square, is the extreme northwest of the convent of San Francisco and in last times, it was forming a part of the stables of the set.

Plaza de Armas

In the Plaza de Armas the civil architecture and the religious one coexist harmonicly, the architecture of the Viceroyalty and of the Porfiriato with the contemporary one: San Luís's Cathedral, the Palace of Government, the Municipal Palace and the Congress of the State. To the center of the square one finds a kiosk constructed of pink quarry in 1948, in his frieze it produces honoring to eight Mexican musicians.

Plaza de Fundadores

It is the place that the Captain Michael Caldera and the Franciscans chose in 1588 to form(train) the first accession with the name of " San Luís's Place", with groups of Indians guachichiles. Here the San Luís's first temple got up.

Plaza del Carmen

The Plaza of Carmen is one of the most traditional places of San Luís's City , there it is possible to enjoy caresses clowns and musicians.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Juan del Jarro

He was a beggar, clairvoyant and popular philosopher who differed for his high human quality and his strange knowledge. Juan's reputation hardened with the years: he was an illuminated madman, was the clever very mad one, the certain thing is that he was a friend of all and was accepting invitations to sumptuous tables like to humble cuisines. The people wanted it and his reputation soon took a supernatural dye.

El Señor de Las Palomas

In the Plaza de Armas one finds the statue of a man who formed a part of the landscape of San Luís's Historical Center for many years. It is the Gentleman Jose Moreno Díaz, better acquaintance as the " Master of the Swallows " (El señor de las palomas). This man was coming twice daily to the Plaza de Armas to feed to the swallows and he dedicated a great part of his life to the care and protection of the Swallows. On having seen it, they were flying towards him, were eating directly of his hand and were stopping in his shoulders.

Types of tourism in San Luis

-> Adventure tourism

The rich and beautiful natural environment of the Huasteca potosina, which includes mountains, hillsides, rivers, waterfalls, caverns, etc., it turns her into a paradise to practise the tourism of adventure, that is to say, the extreme sports.


-> Kayac and Rafting

Between the suitable rivers to descend in kayak of flat water they find Valleys, Coy and Huichihuayan. To do it in the so called kayak of turbulent water the rivers are The Jump, Tampaón, Santa Maria, Hens, Cold Eye and the Waterfall of Monkeys. For the decrease in rafting the most propitious rivers are the Tampaón and the Micos in season of rains. The river Tampaón offers one of the most spectacular walks of Mexico, during his tour - that goes from the límite of Querétaro and San Luis up to before Valleys joining to the river passes for five beautiful cannons.

-> Abseiling

The Hill of the Bedpan constitutes a challenge to expiring for the lovers of the mountaineering. Likewise, among many other places, in Tamul's Waterfall, with his 105 m of height, it is possible to carry out the decrease to abseiling.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tour of the City in Streetcar

An ancient car that seems to have gone out of beginning of the 20th century, maybe previous. In this transport one sits down comfortably and enjoys San Luis' majestic squares, his parks, his churches, his colonial buildings ... while a guide is narrating the histories, the legends, the traditions and the daily life of this beautiful city. It is a comfortable and rapid way of giving a walk along the history of this Mexican, ideal corner for those who want to see everything without having to walk too much.